December 5th, 2021

Workforce Crisis Solved: i’senCHel

It is safe to say that we are all ready to get life back to normal: 24-hour Walmarts, restaurants that stay open late, staff with a healthy work-life balance, and supporting local businesses. We all want a thriving community, a strong workforce, and everyone back to top health; but in order to do so, we need to adapt to change by using a quick and easy network to help connect our communities - i’senCHel. Get i’senCHel-ly checked through a free software that helps foster transparency between employers and government agencies.
Every business is feeling the extremities of not having enough workers; from restaurants, hotels, schools to executive offices – they are all spread-thin and so are their loyal staff. Effects of unemployment are not only economical, but also physical, mental, and detrimental to the well-being of our nation's people. Stop the no call no shows, ghosting, and overworked workers right at its root.
We are all facing the same issue, but together we can solve this. It’s i’senCHel.

March 28th, 2022

i’senCHel to Help Solve Workforce Crisis Through Free Unemployment Auditing App